Informed consent for participation in survey
The purpose of this survey is to examine how women's motivation in the workplace is affected by their menstrual cycle. Participation is entirely voluntary, and you may choose to withdraw at any time without any consequences. We kindly ask you to answer the questions as honestly as possible.
All responses will be treated confidentially and anonymously – no personal data will be collected that could identify you. As we have no way of identifying individual participants, we will also not be able to provide you with your individual data after the survey has been completed.
The collected data will be used solely for research purposes and stored digitally on a password-protected device. To contribute to research transparency, anonymized data files may be made available to other researchers as part of the examination process. Group-level data will be analyzed and presented upon the completion of my master's thesis.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the study, please feel free to contact me or my supervisor:
Responsible for the survey and master's thesis:
Kristin Vinnerheim, International Master’s Program in Psychology, Stockholm University
Constanze Leineweber, Department of Psychology, Stockholm University
A huge thank you for taking the time to participate – your contribution provides valuable knowledge to research on women's motivation in the workplace!
Best regards,
Kristin Vinnerheim
International Master’s Program in Psychology
Stockholm University
I have read and understood the information about the purpose and implementation of this study. I consent to participate and acknowledge that my participation is entirely voluntary and that I may withdraw at any time without providing any explanation. I also grant the responsible researcher permission to process my data under the stated conditions.