Collection of the exam at the student office's opening hours
The Department of Mathematics is developing a new system for exam returns for HT24. With this, we will try to automatically send out your scanned and corrected exam to the email address that you have linked to your account on the course website. Therefore, we have chosen to close the return form.
If you want to pick up your exam in physical form, please email the following information to:
You can come and collect your exam at the student office after you have received a confirmation email that your exam is ready for collection. The reason is that we need to prepare and sort out your exam, scan and have it ready for you when you come and pick it up.
We keep all written exams for two years before discarding them. It is therefore currently possible to download written exams two years back in time. For example, if today's date is: 2024-08-21, you can request exams written from 2022-08-21 and up to today's date. Older entries are discarded.