Collection of the physical exam at the student office during regular opening hours.

Fill in your information in the form.

You can come and collect your exam at the student office after you 
have received a message that it is ready for collection. The reason is that we need 
to prepare and sort out your exam, scan and have it ready for you when you come 
and pick it up.

You will receive confirmation that your exam is "ready" for collection from the address If you have not received a confirmation, your exam is 
not ready for delivery.

It is important that you check that you fill in your information correctly in the form.

Make a report for each exam you wish to collect.


Which exam do you want to collect? If you do not find your course code in the list, please contact us:
This question is compulsory
What date did you write the exam? (Make sure you enter the correct date)
Invalid value, date must be in format: dd/mm/yyyyThis question is compulsory
Your first name:
This question is compulsory
 Your last name:
This question is compulsory
Your e-mail address:
Invalid e-mail addressThis question is compulsory
Your personal identification number (format: YYYYMMDD-XXXX):
Invalid string: the value must be between 13 and 14 characters longThis question is compulsory
Enter your anonymization code (E.g. 403-0001-ABC)
You will find the code in your Ladok under Examination occasions --> Passed. ATTENTION! Make sure you choose the code for the correct exam and date!
Invalid string: the value must be between 11 and 12 characters longThis question is compulsory